Rip It Good
Squee Sunday

Squee Sunday #23


Squee Sunday

Upon taking my cat to the vet for a follow up appointment, I discovered that the daycare/boarding section of Pet Smart had set up a little corner for pets to have their pictures taken with Santa. It was $10, included a very lovely print with a frame, and $5 of the cost would be donated to help homeless animals.

Dijjit had been temporarily cowed by being to the vet and generally in a place she was unfamiliar with, so I figured, why not?

A dozen tries and a disabled flash later, they were finally able to get a shot where she looked like she might be posing. Santa’s eyes are closed, but it’s Dijjit that matters, am I right?

What did you have to squee about today?


  1. Looks like Dijjit would like to make a quick escape. Like lots of little ones who sit on Santa’s lap! :-)

  2. Pingback: Squee! Sunday, Siete | My Hook and Yarn Adventure

  3. OMG!!! That is the cutest thing ever!!!

  4. I’ve always seen ads for these and wanted to take our two cats in but I know one would co-operate and one would um..probably claw Santa to death. Yours has a great picture though! Kudos to the photographer who has to catch the pets at the right time for a great picture and to whoever plays Santa and risks being ripped up by irate pets :-P.

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