Rip It Good

Squee Sunday #10: Birthday Swag!


Squee Sunday

Firstly, my mom made me this spectacular shawl!

She keeps saying, oh, it’s not as fancy as the shawls you make, it’s for every day use, blah blah blah. So I need everyone who reads this blog to go to her project page and tell her that it’s awesome.

She also gave me three new Raveling books:

Creepy Cute Crochet

Creepy Cute Crochet

Unforgettable Crochet

Unforgettable Crochet

Wendy Knits Lace

Wendy Knits Lace

Mommy loves me. <3

Also, I got KnitPicks gift cards from my mom, my boss, and Mom 2 (Todd’s mom), so I had $130 total in gift cards. I got a LOT of stuff from there.

I’M NOT DONE YET! I also happened to win Witchyknits’ giveaway, so I have the yarn from that PLUS an extra two balls because it was my birthday. So here’s a link to what was included initially, and here’s my birthday yarn!

Plymouth Yarn Massimo

Plymouth Yarn Massimo

It’s an interesting super bulky yarn that I have already worked up into a hat and a cowl. So look forward to those on future Fridays, heehee! I always feature my projects separately, but since this is a set I might just do them together.

STILL NOT DONE. I have all the video game gifts to list! These come from Mom 2, my brother Clint, and my friend Conrad.

I love Steam and it’s cheaply listed games and it’s wishlist function. :)

This post was written Saturday morning before the little shindig I’m throwing. You might get some pictures of food and fun next week. We shall see! What did you have to squee about this week?


  1. First off, Happy Birthday, again!! I can’t wait to see what you made with the bulky yarn! Your mom does beautiful work and I will be sure to tell her!! She does love you! Yay on the Knit Picks score and video games!!! You had one rockin’ b-day there!!

  2. Wow, what a great b’day! The shawl your mom made is beautiful. I posted a comment on her page. Enjoy all your new stuff and HB HB HB!

  3. Happy birthday – what fab presents :)

  4. I love the shawl so much. It makes me think of cathedral windows.

  5. Love your mom’s shawl. And I adore that Creepy Cute Crochet book so I hope you have a lot of fun with that. And finally – how the heck has it already been ten weeks of Squee Sunday?!?!

  6. Wow what a haul! I can’t explain how much I love that your mom’s Ravatar is a pirate skull.

    How do you like Bastion? My boss at work loved it, but he has a short attention span and stopped playing it after a week, I think.

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